Sunday 15 April 2012

Book - The Developer's Code

I have just finish reading the book The Developer's Code.

This is a light book with some considerations and advices about working as a software engineer and beyond.

Here I want to summarise what I liked the most from the book:
  • Discussion about the fact that architects shouldn't stop coding remembering that the code is the glue that binds each role. So regardless of where you are in the development hierarchy, it is valuable to keep coding.
  • The importance of diversification over specialisation
  • It is better not be perfectionists because it can become exhausting. Perfect code does not exist. This means that you can event apply to speak at a conference. You don't need to be a rock-star programming hero.
  • The importance of investing in a good work environment
  • Have a single TO DO List. I found WorkFlowy and Instapaper very useful
  • The importance of the working relationships that form over time.
  • The simplicity paradox
  • The fact that once you've become an expert in a particular domain, it is nearly impossible to understand what it feels like to not understand that domain. So, when you're teaching something new you can lie and also say incorrect things to make things easier to understand.
  • The responsibilities of the project managers
  • Don't lose your appreciation, interest and understanding for what's going on under the hood

It has been a pleasant and relaxed reading.

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