Sunday, 2 February 2014

Design Patterns Series - Learn Design Patterns quickly

What is a design pattern?

From Wikipedia:
In software engineering, a design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design.
I think that learning design patterns and the underline Object Oriented Design principles is really important. However, it is really difficult and time consuming. It requires a fair amount of discipline.

This is why I created this series of posts.

This post is a simple index that aggregates all the post I have written in the last two years. Most of the frequently used design patterns are covered but there are many others to cover.

I will update this post as soon as I create a post on a new Design Pattern.

My goals for this series of posts

  • Read a lot of resources and consolidate the information in a single post
  • Present the pattern in a easy way
  • Write a good example to illustrate the benefits of using the pattern
  • Put the pattern in the context of .NET
  • Find real examples of the pattern in the .NET Framework

My main sources of information

 Design Patterns Posts

Hope you find this series of posts useful.